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Dr. Schultz’s free-standing facility allows him to cover autopsies for hospital physicians and/or when the family requests an autopsy.  He is also available to come to your hospital for a grand rounds style lecture or other topical requests. An independent autopsy can help explain a loved one’s death to surviving family members and provide quality of care documentation for hospital staff.  The most valuable data we can get is honest and objective.  The reality is that objectively documented autopsies in my experience usually  limit speculative accusations and if in fact they have merit, isn’t it better to know what happened, makes amends, educate, learn and move forward?  Often times accusations lead straight to settlements in response to the potential of ongoing attorney fees/legal costs.  An appropriately commissioned independent autopsy by a non-biased pathologist is a benefit not matter what the outcome in our opinion.  It shows good faith in quality assurance, and  aids clinical staff when unexpected outcomes cause undue stress and uncertainty. 

Now over 30 years of experience and more than 6,000 autopsies in 2020.

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